Children’s Heart Foundation is an organization dedicated to reach out children who are victims of Heart diseases and their families. CHD- Congenital Heart Disease is a heart problem, which babies have since their birth. The problem is supposedly to have no concrete reason behind it. With an advance-level medical care and on-time surgeries children with CHD now live their adulthood life. But the cure cost a lot more than the average financial capacity of households.
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    Women empowerment is nothing but the process

    Raising the bar for the way the society spectates a woman and her talents or working capacity is a must in the coming times. Women empowerment is nothing but the same process. The necessary foundation for it includes literacy i.e., education, having them involved in the workplace, respecting their opinions instead of underestimating them.

    Re-defining what they are, and not setting aside when it comes to decisions is something that has to be done. Women hold in capabilities of being enough for themselves and in times of despair even raise kids. The gender stereotype concept of the women to be dependent on men for various reasons is proved false with the changes women brought in by getting the status they were supposed to be inadequate for.

    Policies and Schemes only work out if every individual has the right mindset for this change be it man or woman or any. Women Empowerment gives one path towards sustainability and high-level transitions in the society and corporate world.