Medical - Viraj Nitin Gadakh

Viraj Nitin Gadakh

About Case

Master Viraj Nitin Gadakh 21 month old male patient is known case of HIRSCHSPRUNGS DIESEASE. He is taking treatment in Ashoka Medicover Hospitals. He has advised for surgery COLOSTOMY CLOSURE.

Suggested Treatment – Surgery for Hirschsprungs Disease – COLOSTOMY CLOSURE + Supportive Care Charges, Medicines Charges, Hospital Charges, Consultant Charges, Investigation Charges, etc. Estimated Expenditure for the same Approximate Rs 3,50,000 /- Rupees Three Lakh Fifty Thousand only.

Age: 21 Month
Gender: Male
Mother Name: N/A
Father Name: N/A
Father Salary: N/A
Father Profession: N/A
Date of Admission: 21/12/2022
Hospital Name: Ashoka Medicover Hospital

Supporting Documents