Children’s Heart Foundation has been recently working on various projects for the Zilla Parishad School. The non-profit organisation has conducted donation drives, constructed a hall and has distributed snacks to the students lately.
Furthermore, the organisation has upcoming projects where it has planned to improve the infrastructure of the Zilla Parishad School. Projects like painting the walls of the school, reconstructing classrooms which are in poor condition, renovating the areas which are not in a good condition in the school, especially those which are prone to danger for students are planned. Many of the Zilla Parishad Schools don’t have proper washrooms and sanitation facilities, this turns out to be unhygienic for the kids, so construction of washrooms and repairing of those which are not in a condition to be used, is also included in one of the projects of the NGO. These plans are necessary as many Zilla Parishad Schools are now old since many years of construction and haven’t been redeveloped or renovated since then.
Also, the organisation plans on investing in digitalised classrooms. The virtual learning pattern has taken over the chalk-and-talk method of teaching these days, laptops and mobile phones are a necessity in the upcoming years. The NGO has planned on donating electronic devices which help in the E-learning of the students. This will help the students to continue studying not just through books, but also through virtual mediums like videos, pictures and audio books and enhance their knowledge.