Children’s Heart Foundation is an organization dedicated to reach out children who are victims of Heart diseases and their families. CHD- Congenital Heart Disease is a heart problem, which babies have since their birth. The problem is supposedly to have no concrete reason behind it. With an advance-level medical care and on-time surgeries children with CHD now live their adulthood life. But the cure cost a lot more than the average financial capacity of households.
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    Working Hours : Mon-Sat, 10 Am - 7 Pm

    Privacy Policy

    Children’s Heart Foundation is committed to protecting the privacy of the children and adults in our orphanage, as well as the area in which we work. As part of this commitment, we strictly prohibit the use of the child photographs used on this website for any other purpose, personal or commercial.

    The site does not require you to identify yourself or reveal any personal information, but you may be unable to access certain parts of the site or interact with us without providing us with your personal information. You will need to provide your personal information if you wish to transact at the site or make donations. If you wish to register at the site, you will also be required to provide your personal information. Your use of the website constitutes your consent to all the terms and conditions and you shall be bound by the same.