Children’s Heart Foundation is an organization dedicated to reach out children who are victims of Heart diseases and their families. CHD- Congenital Heart Disease is a heart problem, which babies have since their birth. The problem is supposedly to have no concrete reason behind it. With an advance-level medical care and on-time surgeries children with CHD now live their adulthood life. But the cure cost a lot more than the average financial capacity of households.
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    Medical Support

    Many of the non-profit organizations work for providing health care to those who can’t afford to avail the basic facility. Healthcare is an utmost necessity which most of the time remains neglected in many areas of the society. The underprivileged children, women and the aged from the rural and those families even in the urban regions who are under low income get benefits from these NGOs.
    Access to medical facilities is still a difficult task to be achieved all over the country. NGOs strive to make sure these facilities reach those in need on time. The organizations often team up with the best of hospitals and pharmacy brands for their service. Funds from the generous donors and active participation of the volunteers help the charity organizations to reach out the crowd.