Children’s Heart Foundation is an organization dedicated to reach out children who are victims of Heart diseases and their families. CHD- Congenital Heart Disease is a heart problem, which babies have since their birth. The problem is supposedly to have no concrete reason behind it. With an advance-level medical care and on-time surgeries children with CHD now live their adulthood life. But the cure cost a lot more than the average financial capacity of households.
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    Working Hours : Mon-Sat, 10 Am - 7 Pm

    Refund and Cancellation policy

    Children’s Heart Foundation dose not compel any person or organization to donate money. It depends on your choice whether you are willing to contribute some person of your income towards the education and well being of the needy people or not.
    1. If at any time you feel that you wish to collect any information on how your money was spent you are most welcome to come to us. We will help you in every possible way.

    2. We have a 48 hours refund policy, if the donation was due to any error. The donner can contact us directly for the refund.

    3. Your donation amount cannot be refunded after 48 hours in any case there is no such policy in our NGO.

    4. While donating the money you are free to ask any question or doubt which you have in your name. Our experts will guide you through the entire process and how the money is utilized. It is or right to know where the donation is being used.

    5. Donation is employed in various activities of NGO hence if time you wish to know about it. You can contact us without any hesitation.

    6. If online payment is made you will receive a confirmation regarding your payment.

    7. The request for any donation related information can be send to

    8. If you have any doubts about the cancellation and refund policy you are most welcome to contact us or send email to us.